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Getting There



Kamili has its own helipad if you choose to arrive on a private charter. Otherwise, Kilifi is easy to get to, with scheduled flights to Mombasa (90 mins), Malindi (60 mins) or Vipingo (20 mins) away. There is also an airstrip on the Kilifi Plantation 5 mins drive from Kamili for private charters and personal aircraft. Click Here to see Kamili House on the Map.

Stanley - Maitre D

Stanley - Maitre D

Jennifer - House Keeping

Jennifer - House Keeping

Karissa - House Keeping

Karissa - House Keeping

Johnathan - Head Gardener

Johnathan - Head Gardener



Kamili's friendly and highly experienced team of staff are on hand to make your stay exceptional. They are made up of a cook, a waiter, 2 housekeepers, a night watchman and a team of gardeners. 

IT & Comms



Wifi is available in the public area of the house and there is good 4G Safaricom coverage. A 31 KVA backup generator runs the whole house including the air con in case of any power outage.




All sleeping areas have secure Treli Door grills as well as the doors onto the main veranda. There is good security with KK Security alarm buttons and an on-site Night Watchman.

Kilifi Top 10



Kamili is a wonderful place to relax and unwind but Kilifi has a lot to offer if you feel like a little more action. Here is our guide together with some useful links to the top 10 activities to experience in and around Kilifi.

Copyright - Kamili House Ltd

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